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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register for a trip without a valid passport?

Yes, you may register and save your place on a trip while processing or renewing your passport. Just submit the completed reservation form and the deposit to reserve your place. As soon as you receive your new passport, send a clear image of the photo page to Luke Chandler to complete your registration.

Where will we worship on Sundays?

We typically worship as a group in our hotel on Sunday morning before departing on the daily excursion. We sing, pray, hear a short lesson, and take the Lord's Supper together.

Are COVID tests or vaccines still required to visit other countries?

None of the countries we plan to visit have any requirements or restrictions related to COVID-19. Travel requirements to those places have returned to the pre-pandemic norms. Be aware that governmental policies are subject to change, though no new restrictions are currently expected.

Are COVID tests or vaccines still required to visit other countries?

-None of the countries we plan to visit have any requirements or restrictions related to COVID-19. Travel requirements to those places have returned to the pre-pandemic norms. Be aware that governmental policies are subject to change, though no new restrictions are currently expected.

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